Matthew Chung (violin):
Favorite memory: When I got to see a couple of my friends dressed up in gorilla suits and go on the stage.
What I love about LHS Orchestra: The end of the year orchestra banquets are pretty fun. Eating good food and hanging out with friends is always fun.
Words of wisdom: Try to know a lot of people in orchestra.
Victor Mou (violin):
Favorite memory: That time on the Canada trip when all the busses broke down causing me and some other kids to stay at a Wegmans for several hours and only getting back to Langley just before classes began.
What I love about LHS Orchestra: Doc of course. Doc’s positivity bleeds into the rest of the orchestra, creating a relaxing and enjoyable environment. Another thing would be the tangible sense of progress I feel when I and the rest of the orchestra improve on a piece as we work on it.
Words of wisdom: Clean your instrument!