LHS Orchestra Concert Apparel (2024-2025)

(updated 08/15/2024)

Please note our first concert (Tues, Oct 29) will be Halloween-themed, and students will be asked to wear Halloween costumes rather than concert Formalwear. Students will be required to wear Formalwear at the Dec 10 concert, so it is important that your gowns and tuxedos are ordered and any necessary alterations are completed by then.

If you have any questions about Formalwear or Spiritwear, please contact our Apparel Coordinator Angela Yang at angela_w_yang@yahoo.com.


All orchestra students are required to purchase one black orchestra t-shirt and one black orchestra polo shirt for informal events. The deadline to place your order is September 1 so please place your orders as soon as possible!!

You can reach the the website to order the t-shirt, polo, and optional Spiritwear by clicking here. All Spiritwear items will be bulk- delivered to Langley High School and distributed during orchestra classes before the first concert.


Ladies: Ladies perform in green taffeta dresses with black velvet bodices. The formal gowns will be purchased from an online vendor through a special group order and delivered in bulk to orchestra class in plenty of time for alterations before our Dec 10 concert.

Ordering the gowns is a simple two-step process:

STEP 1) Click on this Google Form for measuring as well as a size chart. You must fill out the Google Form no later than Sept 6! Please be sure to follow the instructions for measuring and choose the size based on the size chart provided in the Form.

Click here for a link to an instructional video for measuring for the gowns:

STEP 2) Send in a check in the amount of $79 made payable to “Langley Orchestra Society.” There is a box in the orchestra room labeled “Payment for Orchestra Gowns” in which your daughter can drop her check.

Black closed-toe shoes are also required for concerts; flip-flops, sneakers or sandals are not appropriate Formalwear.

Please bring checkbooks to Freshman Open House on August 15 if you wish to place an order and pay at that time. We will have measuring tapes and a few sample dresses.

Gentlemen: Gentlemen perform in a solid black tuxedo jacket, tux pants (choose either pleated or flat front), solid white wing collar tux shirt, black satin bow tie, and black satin cummerbund.

The full tuxedo ensemble can be ordered from Formal Fashions, here, which is Item 8b in the 2024 catalog, for $99. Tuxedos are ordered by you from the vendor and will be delivered directly to your home. Please allow ample time for alterations as the tux pants will arrive unhemmed.

Black dress socks and black dress shoes are also required; sandals and sneakers are not appropriate Formalwear.

Pre-Owned Apparel:

Some pre-owned tuxedos and Spirit wear items will be available for a discounted price at the Open House on August 15th and throughout the school year . All net proceeds go to Langley Orchestra Society, a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Bring cash or checkbook for purchase of pre-owned apparel.