Ulaina Ahn (cello):
Favorite memory: The Danube River cruise on the Austria trip. I loved laughing with friends, and the lights were super pretty. #besttripever
What I love about LHS orchestra: Orchestra is a home for so many types of people, and I think that’s a testament to the connective power of music. It’s a great breather in a hectic day, and I love spending time with good people. Also, concert days are seriously some of my favorite days out of the whole school year.
Words of wisdom: Be nice to people wherever you go. Do things that bring you joy.
Bianca Harris (violin):
Favorite memory: My favorite memory from orchestra was the trip to Vienna freshman year. I made some of my best friends during that trip, and I enjoyed everything about it.
What I love about LHS orchestra: I love how much fun it is. I enjoy playing, and Doc makes everything upbeat and exciting.
Words of wisdom: Orchestra is really fun. You’ll make some amazing friends throughout your years in orchestra, and you’ll have the time of your life.