Congratulations to all three Langley Orchestras as well as Cooper’s Symphonic Orchestra for a fabulous concert Tuesday evening. Bridging Cooper and Langley Orchestras, the concert served as a “dress rehearsal” of sorts for the upcoming Assessments taking place on March 5th (Langley) and March 12th (Cooper). Special thanks to all of the volunteers, both parents and students, who helped make Tuesday’s concert day a great success. The concert program can also be downloaded at the bottom of this page.
The concert was video-recorded, and the link will be made available via Schoology and newsletter in the coming days to our orchestra students and families. Photos are being uploaded by several volunteer photographers to our Shutterfly site; look for those in the coming days as well. Special thanks to Rania Razek, who took the following fabulous senior photo after the concert:

We hope some of our orchestra community will come cheer on the Symphonic and Philharmonic Orchestras at Assessments on Saturday, March 5th at Marshall HS. Symphonic will perform at approximately 10:00 am, and Philharmonic will perform at approximately 4:00 pm. Students are working hard to be fully prepared — and please be sure to have full concert attire for assessments.
And it’s not too early to think about spring and put Saturday, April 23rd for the Spring Car Wash on your calendar (at the BP in McLean, corner of Old Dominion & Chain Bridge Roads).