Hi Orchestra Parents!
Trip registration is LIVE! We have reserved 165 seats on the plane to Nashville (the entire plane, minus the pilot), so please, if your child wants to go on the trip, please register as soon as possible. Once we reach 165 (and 20ish of those must be chaperones), we will unfortunately need to start a waitlist. So don’t delay!
DEADLINE IS OCTOBER 18, but once the flight is FULL, we will have to turn people away and start a waitlist. So register today!
You must BOTH register with Kaleidoscope AND PAY the $1,000 deposit through MySchoolBucks in order to secure your spot!
There are two different websites to register successfully:
First, MySchoolBucks.com: Pay the $1,000 deposit for students only using the STUDENT option. Chaperones, if you haven’t received an email from us, please let us know before you register. In order to maximize the opportunity for our students, we may have chaperones travel separately if we have too many.
Pay the $1,000 deposit.
To find the Orchestra trip deposit, go to MySchoolBucks, School Store, then it’s under “N” for NASHVILLE. Follow this link to go directly to the store after logging in: https://www.myschoolbucks.com/ver2/stores/catalog/getproduct?requestAction=&clientKey=ZZI5ZQWBKS04NJ8&productGroupKey=ZZI81RA60C052HQ&view=&productKey=ZZ60FBC92U3RHMT&isStorePreview=
Make sure to use the option for Nashville Orchestra Trip (Student) for students, and Nashville Orchestra Trip (Chaperone) for chaperones.

Second, fill out your registration on the Kaleidoscope registration page. Please make sure to use your STUDENT’S LEGAL NAME since we will be using these names for airline tickets! Register here: https://www.wetravel.com/trips/-71410578
If you opt for travel insurance, you can buy that there, and for it to be effective, you must purchase the travel insurance within 14 days of your initial deposit. However, unless you are buying travel insurance (which is optional), there is no reason to give Kaleidoscope your payment information. *Note* parents have found alternative insurance options from private companies that re significantly less expensive than Kaleidoscope (see below for an example).

Any questions? Please email us at langleyorchestratrip@gmail.com.
Remember, you must BOTH pay your $1,000 initial deposit through MySchoolBucks AND register with Kaleidoscope to secure your spot!
More details:
Trip dates: April 13-16, 2024
Estimated costs: $1,700 for students ($1,000 deposit, other $700 due in January).
More details: https://www.langleyorchestra.org/annual-trip/
Please don’t hesitate to reach out.
Thank you,
Bonnie Myshrall 🤠
Volunteer Trip Coordinator