Schedule for the Mar 1 District Assessments

District Assessments will be held on Friday, March 1 at James Madison High School, located at 2500 James Madison Drive, Vienna, VA 22181. This event is only relevant to students in Symphonic and Philharmonic Orchestras; students in these orchestras are required to attend. Parents, family, and friends are encouraged to attend to show their support. 

The pertinent times are as follows:


Arrive 4:45 pm

Storage and Tuning 5:00 pm

Rehearsal 5:15 pm

Performance 5:45 pm

Sight-reading: 6:15 pm

Dismissal: 6:30 pm


Arrive: 7:20 pm

Tune: 7:35 pm

Rehearse: 7:50 pm

Perform: 8:20 pm

Sightread: 9:00 pm

Dismiss: 9:15 pm

Questions? Please contact Doc.