(updated 5/11/23) Looking for summer opportunities to make music? Here are a few programs to consider.
Institute for the Arts (“IFTA”) is a 4-week program at Lake Braddock Secondary School from July 5-28 open to rising 7th-12th graders. Information can be found at https://www.fcps.edu/academics/summer-learning-programs/camps-and-institutes-institute-arts-ifta
The Levine School of Music holds several summer programs of varying length. Information can be found at https://www.levinemusic.org/camp-levine/
George Mason University holds several summer programs for instrumental strings, as well as many other offerings. Information can be found at https://masonacademy.gmu.edu/summer/music-camps/
New England Music Camp, held north of Portland, Maine, offers a core session from June 24 – July 23 and an intensive session from July 24 – August 7. More details can be found at https://snowpond.org/nemc/
Brevard Music Institute offers sessions in the Blue Ridge Mountains of western North Carolina. Information can be found at https://www.brevardmusic.org/institute/high-school/
Interlochen Arts Camp offers multi-week and one-week intensive programs in many areas in northwest Michigan. Information can be found at https://www.interlochen.org/music/camp-programs
Vienna Summer Strings, sponsored by the GC Marshall Orchestra, offers a 3 week program June 26 – July 14. Information can be found at https://viennasummerstrings.com/